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Table 3 AGC-NOS patients with and without symptoms (i.e. abnormal vaginal bleeding) stratified by age groups. (n = 261 cases).

From: Atypical glandular cells in conventional cervical smears: Incidence and follow-up

Age at diagnosis

no symptoms (%)

abnormal vaginal bleeding (%)

≤34 years

13 (5.0)

1 (0.4)

35–44 years

32 (12.3)

3 (1.1)

45–54 years

51 (19.6)

14 (5.4)

55–59 years

33 (12.6)

9 (3.4)

60–69 years

36 (13.8)

18 (6.9)

70–79 years

21 (8.0)

13 (5.0)

>80 years

12 (4.6)

5 (1.9)

TOTAL: n = 261 (100%)

198 (75.9%)

63 (24.1%)