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Table 4 Summary of TEAEs and TESAEs in the four groups

From: Randomised phase 3 open-label trial of first-line treatment with gemcitabine in association with docetaxel or paclitaxel in women with metastatic breast cancer: a comparison of different schedules and treatments


Arm A

Arm B

Arm C

Arm D












Subject with at least one TEAE

57 (96.6)

58 (93.5)

53 (91.4)

56 (94.9)

Subject discontinued the study due to TEAE

4 (6.8)

4 (6.5)

6 (10.3)

8 (13.6)

Subjects with at least one chemotherapy-related TEAE

56 (94.9)

57 (91.9)

50 (86.2)

55 (93.2)

Subjects without TEAE

2 (3.4)

4 (6.5)

5 (8.6)

3 (5.1)



Subject with at least one TESAE

9 (15.3)

10 (16.0)

7 (12.1)

11 (18.6)

Subjects with at least one chemotherapy-related TESAE

5 (8.5)

4 (6.5)

3 (5.2)

5 (8.5)

  1. Arm A: docetaxel and gemcitabine with 3-weekly schedule; Arm B: paclitaxel and gemcitabine with 3-weekly schedule; Arm C: docetaxel and gemcitabine with weekly schedule; Arm D: paclitaxel and gemcitabine with weekly schedule.
  2. TEAE: Treatment-emergent Adverse Events, TESAE: Treatment-emergent Serious Adverse Events.