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Table 1 Patient characteristics, n = 83 (no male patients included)

From: Prognostic scores in brain metastases from breast cancer

Median age, range

57 yrs., 29–76

% age <65 years vs. ≥ 65 years

81 vs. 19

Median KPS, range

70, 30–90

% KPS 80–90 vs. 70 vs. <70

37 vs. 23 vs. 40

Median time interval*

38 mo., 1–216

% single brain metastasis, multiple, unknown

37, 46, 17

Median number of brain metastases


Median volume of the largest lesion, unknown

15 ml, 24%

% without extracranial metastases


% with controlled primary tumor


% with complete/incomplete surgical resection of brain metastases before WBRT


% with radiosurgery before or concomitant to WBRT


% with salvage surgery or radiosurgery after WBRT


  1. KPS: Karnofsky performance status, WBRT: whole brain radiotherapy, * from breast cancer diagnosis to brain metastases