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Table 1 Baseline demographic characteristics of cases and controls with histological attributes types of cancer cases

From: The association of polymorphic markers Arg399Gln of XRCC1 gene, Arg72Pro of TP53 gene and T309G of MDM2 gene with breast cancer in Kyrgyz females




Kyrgyz ethnicity, N (%)

117 (100)

102 (100)

Age, mean ± SD

53.8 ± 9.3

45.8 ± 8.7a

Urban residents, N (%)

54 (46)

62 (61)a

Tumor morphology

 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma

54 (46)

 Lobular carcinoma

40 (34)

 Less prevalent types, including solid carcinoma, medullar carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, tubular adenocarcinoma

23 (20)

Degree of differentiation

 Highly differentiated

5 (4)

 Moderately differentiated

103 (88)

 Low differentiated

9 (8)

  1. SD standard deviation
  2. asignificant difference between groups using either t-test or 2*2 χ2 test where appropriate