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Table 1 PROSOM-K inclusion and non-inclusion criteria

From: Impact of breast cancer on prospective memory functioning assessed by virtual reality and influence of sleep quality and hormonal therapy: PROSOM-K study


Breast cancer patients

Healthy women

Inclusion criteria

1 year post-menopausal

Under 70 years of age

At least on level 3 (end of primary schools) of the Barbizet scale

French native speakers

Treated with surgery or radiotherapy for a non-metastatic breast cancer

Normal cognitive function with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) score ≥ 26

Radiotherapy completed about 6 months prior to the study

Non-inclusion criteria

Neurological sequelae

Personality disorders and progressive psychiatric disorder

Drug use and/or heavy drinking

Treated with chemotherapy

History of cancer, excepting basal-cell carcinoma and carcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix

Patient with a paraneoplastic syndrome

Patient unable to perform cognitive tests

Central nervous system primitive tumour or cerebral metastases

Primitive cancer different from Breast cancer

Metastatic cancer

Cognitive disorders pre-existing to cancer diagnosis