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Fig. 4 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 4

From: Anti-cancer effect of dung beetle glycosaminoglycans on melanoma

Fig. 4

Anti-cancer effect of ding beetle glycosaminoglycan on melanoma mice. a Animal experimental design. CaG5: C. molossus (dung beetle) glycosaminoglycan 5 mg/kg; IQG5: B. ignitus queen glycosaminoglycan 5 mg/kg; HeG5: H. sanguinea glycosaminoglycan 5 mg/kg. b Survival curve of B16/F10 melanoma mice treated with various insect glycosaminoglycans. N = 10, ***p < 0.001 means each sample group significantly different from the control group. c Tumor size of B16/F10 melanoma mice treated with various insect glycosaminoglycans from 3 to 8 weeks. N = 10, * p < 0.05 means each sample group significantly different from control (PBS treated) group by t-test. d Heat map of microarray on melanoma tissue of B16F10 melanoma mice treated with CaG5, IQG5 or HEG5

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