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Table 4 ICCs for assessment of task difficulty: the ICC between expert readers, the ICC between expert readers and deep learning model, and the ICC mentioned by previous literature [24]

From: Fully semantic segmentation for rectal cancer based on post-nCRT MRl modality and deep learning framework

Two objects


Two human radiologists (T2WI)

0.739 (95% CI: 0.515, 0.865)

DL model and human radiologists (T2WI)

0.669 (95%CI: 0.612, 0.719)

Two human radiologists [24] (DWI)

0.750 (95%CI: 0.630, 0.830)

Automated segmentation using the software [24] (DWI)


Semiautomated segmentation using the software [24] (DWI)
