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Fig. 8 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 8

From: High expression of RTEL1 predicates worse progression in gliomas and promotes tumorigenesis through JNK/ELK1 cascade

Fig. 8

Schematic model of RTEL1/JNK/ELK-1 signaling-induced tumorigenesis of glioma. Accumulation of ROS caused by short telomere or RTEL1 Konckdown will suppress the JNK/ELK1 signaling pathway in glioma cells. RTEL1 cooperated with TERT maintains telomere elongation. The long telomere or ROS scavenger will decrease the ROS level and re-active the JNK caspase to promote TERT transcription. In conclusion, RTEL1 might promote glioma tumorigenesis through JNK/ELK1 cascade and ROS signaling

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