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Table 1 Adapted National Comprehensive Cancer Network triage approach based on risk of exercise-induced adverse events [3, 24]

From: Personalised exercise rehabilitation in cancer survivorship: the percs triage and referral system study protocol

Description of Patients

Evaluation, prescription, and programming recommendations

No comorbidities

No further pre-exercise medical evaluation.

Follow general exercise recommendations

Peripheral neuropathy, arthritis/musculoskeletal issues, poor bone health (e.g., osteopenia or osteoporosis), lymphoedema

Pre-exercise medical evaluation recommended. Modify general exercise recommendations based on assessments. Consider referral to trained personnel.

Lung or abdominal surgery, ostomy, cardiopulmonary disease, ataxia, extreme fatigue, severe nutritional deficiencies, worsening/changing physical condition (e.g., lymphoedema exacerbation), bone metastases*

Pre-exercise medical evaluation and clearance by a physician before commencing exercise.

Referral to trained personnel.

  1. *Table taken directly from the NCCN guidelines. Patients with bone metastases were not eligible to participate in this evaluation PERCS